
Please read and agree to the contract for this membership

CrossFit Kumamoto 会員規約

この規約は入会日にCrossFit Kumamotoと、下記の会員様の間に作成されたものです。

Email :


1. 会員料金


2. 契約を無効にできる期間と権利
新会員は規約に同意した後、3日間以内であればペナルティなしに無効にすることができます。もし3日以内に承諾を無効にした場合、CrossFit Kumamotoはキャンセル後30日以内に支払われた方法と同じ方法ですべての費用を返金いたします。もし支払い方法がクレジットカードだった場合、払い戻し料金は元々の取引額の料金になります。キャンセルの際には、新会員はメールで連絡をするか、またはCrossFit Kumamotoへ来てその旨をCrossFit Kumamotoへ伝えなければなりません。



4. 休会について

5. 月会費支払いの延滞、クレジットカード支払いが機能しない場合

6. 退会について

7. 服装について
CrossFit Kumamotoの会員としてトレーニングにするにあたり、運動に適した服装、シューズを推奨します。裸足でのリフティング、またはランニングはコーチの厳正な判断による許可が必要です。
CrossFit Kumamotoは会員が基本的な推奨されているシューズを利用していない場合、怪我や負傷したとしても責任を負いません。

8. 紛失物について
CrossFit Kumamoto はジム内の紛失物や盗難においては責任を負いません。拾得物はチャリティーのために寄付されることはありません。

9. 喫煙、飲食について

10. 未成年について

11. マナー、振る舞い
CrossFit Kumamoto は会員やスタッフの健康や安全を約束し、不合理、脅迫的、非常識な行動や嫌がらせ、わいせつ行為や違法行為を容認しません。CrossFit Kumamotoはそのような行為に対して適切に判断する権利があります。

12. 損害、損傷について
会員は、本人、同伴者、会員の家族などによってCrossFit Kumamotoの所有物に損害を与えた場合、故意的であろうともなかろうとも賠償しなければならなりません。メンバーの強制的な退会も含まれます。

13. 規則
CrossFit Kumamotoの規則を遵守出来ない会員やCrossFit Kumamotoの所有するものを乱雑に扱う会員は退会してもらいます。CrossFit Kumamotoの規則を遵守することを拒む者はいかなる者でも会員権を剥奪されます。すべての規則がこの承諾書に記載されているわけではありません。CrossFit Kumamotoは提供する器具やすべてのサービス、営業時間、会員の規則を変更したり追加したりすることができます。

14. 写真や映像の撮影について
CrossFit Kumamotoやその関係者は、CrossFit Kumamotoでトレーニングする間、会員や会員の所有物を撮影することがあります。
CrossFit Kumamotoはこの写真や撮影した動画をプリントしたり、データとして公開したりする権限があります。CrossFit Kumamotoは このような写真を法的に認められた媒体である広告やウェブサイトにて会員の名前入りやもしくは名前なしで使用することがあります。

15. 雑則
a. この承諾は関係者との間に交わされた書面で、または口頭での同意全てを含みます。この条項は、すべての当事者の事前の書面による同意がある場合にのみ、その全部または一部を放棄、変更、改訂または廃止することができます。この契約は、CrossFit Kumamotoが作成し実行する契約を理由に法律に対立する原則を考慮することなくCrossFit Kumamotoの国の法律に準拠するものとします。

b. 会員はこの承諾書(権利放棄や危険の仮定を含む)にサインすることによって全てを理解し同意したものとします。会員は考慮すべき今後の法律上の権利を放棄します。
会員はこの承諾書に自由に自発的に強要されることなくサインすることができます。 会員は18歳以上であり責任能力があるものとします。

CrossFit Kumamoto Membership Agreement

Agreement made on the 12/21/2024, between CrossFit Kumamoto. referred to herein as the CrossFit Kumamoto(CrossFit Kumamoto), and

Name :
Email :
Home :
Cell :
Work :
Alt/Emergency :
Both parties agree as follows:
1. Membership Fees
All fees and schedules are subject to change without notice. There are no refunds for membership fees. The member's credit card will be charged according to the membership option.
Membership Option:
  • CrossFit LITE Drop In ¥2200(税込), Renew date: 12/21/2024
All membership packages rates are per calendar month, paid monthly.
All new members wishing to renew their membership contract at the end of their On Ramp/Introductory will have the option to do so prior to the last day of their 2 month period.

2. Three-Day Right of Rescission
New members have three days after signing this Agreement to cancel their membership without penalty. If the Agreement is cancelled within three days, CrossFit Kumamoto will return all amounts paid (in the same manner paid) within 30 days after cancellation. If original payment was by credit card, the amount paid will be credited to the card used for the original transaction. To cancel, new members must call, email, or come into CrossFit Kumamoto and inform CrossFit Kumamoto of their wishes to cancel.

3. Freeze Policy
Members may take a self-suspension. (There is no set period during which a member can take a recess.) In such cases, a monthly recess administration fee of 1100 yen (tax included) will be charged instead of the monthly membership fee, so please be sure to register your credit card. Members must complete the designated form and submit it directly to the staff by the 15th of the month prior to the month in which they wish to take a recess. The current membership terms and conditions will apply during the recess.

4. Late Payment / Declined Credit Card Fees
A late payment/declined credit card fee of $30 will be charged on any payment past due. Membership fees must be paid on or before the first day of the month.

5. Cancellation of Membership by Member
Members may withdraw from membership at any time by submitting their withdrawal form by the 15th of the month in which they wish to withdraw. Members must fill out the designated form and submit it directly to the staff by the 15th of the month in which they wish to withdraw. A withdrawal fee of 2,750 yen (tax included) will be charged. If the deadline for filing has passed, the member will be charged one month's membership fee for the month in which he/she wishes to withdraw.

6. Attire
Appropriate footwear is highly recommended and required to train as a member of CrossFit Kumamoto. Any barefoot lifting or running must be approved by the coach of the particular class and the management, and will be evaluated on a strict case by case basis. CrossFit Kumamoto is not liable for any harm or injury due to deviations in the recommended standards of footwear.

7. Lost Articles
CrossFit Kumamoto assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen articles. Lost and found articles not claimed will be donated to charity.

8. Smoking, Food and Drink.
No smoking is allowed in any part of the facility. Food or drink may be taken into workout areas if it is in a non-breakable, enclosed container.

9. Children
Members must be 16 years of age or older unless supervised by a parent or legal guardian at all times. Guest/Visitors under the age of 16 must be supervised by a parent or legal guardian at all times.

10. Conduct
CrossFit Kumamoto is committed to the health, safety, welfare of each of its members and staff and will not tolerate unreasonable, threatening, obscene, harassing, indecent, or illegal behavior. CrossFit Kumamoto has the right to judge behavior and respond accordingly. This right includes, but is not limited to, termination of membership of any member engaging in unacceptable behavior.

11. Damages
Members shall pay for any damages to CrossFit Kumamoto property which results from the willful or negligent conduct of member, member's guest or dependent children.

12. Rules and/or Regulations
Members who do not observe CrossFit Kumamoto rules and regulations or who abuse equipment in any fashion will be asked to leave. The management reserves the right to terminate membership to anyone who refuses to observe any of CrossFit Kumamoto's rules or regulations. Not all rules and regulations are listed in this agreement. CrossFit Kumamoto reserves the rights to add, change or remove rules, conditions of membership, opening and closing hours, and all services and facilities offered by CrossFit Kumamoto

13. Use of Photo and Video
CrossFit Kumamoto, its representatives and employees have the right to take photographs of Member and Member's property whilst training with CrossFit Kumamoto.

CrossFit Kumamoto is authorized to use and publish these photos or videos in print and/or electronically. CrossFit Kumamoto may use such photographs of Member with or without Member's name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and web content.

14. Miscellaneous
a. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties, and supersedes any prior written or oral agreements between them concerning the subject matter of this Agreement. The provisions of this may be waived, altered, amended or repealed, in whole or in part, only upon prior written consent of all parties. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Kumamoto without regard to the principles of conflict of laws thereof and treated as a contract entirely made and execute within Kumamoto

b. Member has read, and fully agrees to the term of this Agreement and understands and agrees that by signing this Agreement (which contains a waiver, release and assumption of risks) Member has given up considerable future legal rights. Member has signed this Agreement freely, voluntarily, under no duress or threat of duress, without inducement, promise or guarantee being communicated to him/her. Member certifies and warrants that he/she is 18 years of age or older and mentally competent to enter into this Agreement.

WITNESS our signatures as of the day and date first above stated.